There’s A Deduction For Student Loan Interest…But Do You Qualify For It?
College is expensive and you may have taken student loans to pay for it. Can you deduct the interest you pay on these loans? Here are the rules.
College is expensive and you may have taken student loans to pay for it. Can you deduct the interest you pay on these loans? Here are the rules.
Back to school in the COVID-19 era may mean remote learning for your college student. But parents may be able to take advantage of one of these tax breaks for their education expenses.
The Section 179 deduction and bonus depreciation for business assets have been increased and expanded. Learn more about these valuable tax breaks.
Rather than keeping track of your actual vehicle-related expenses, you can use a standard mileage rate to compute related tax deductions. But when are individual taxpayers eligible to deduct vehicle-related expenses
Lower tax rates might help reduce your 2018 tax bill, but new limits on many deductions could offset the benefits of lower rates. For example, five itemized deductions have shrunk or disappeared.
Don’t take the substantiation requirements for charitable donation deductions lightly. If you made a gift last year and haven’t received a written acknowledgment from the charity, read this before claiming a deduction on your 2018 income tax return.
Changes to the medical expense deduction and the tax treatment of alimony go into effect in 2019. Find out the details.
The TCJA’s new deduction for owners of pass-through entities can be 20% of qualified business income. But a wage-based limit applies if an owner’s taxable income exceeds certain levels. Find out how the limit works.
If you moved in 2017, you might be able to deduct some of your moving expenses on your 2017 tax return. Unfortunately, if you move in 2018, it’s a different story.
For individual taxpayers, most Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions will apply only for 2018 through 2025. But they’ll generally have a big impact during that time.