1-800-607-0145 info@midatlanticira.com

Latest Past Events

Jack’s Annual Tax Update

Learn what changes are important to you and if you need to do anything to re-position yourself. Come understand what potential tax law changes could impact you next year. Listen to what your peers are doing and discover new opportunities.

Clients Only Strategy Group

Every month, Jack hosts an exclusive Clients Only Strategy Group where you can pick his tax brain and meet like-minded people in the industry. If you're interested in joining, email Sioban at misc@midatlanticira.com for the Zoom Link.

401k Plans & Other Retirement Plan Options

At our next Strategies Group Meeting, Jack Kiley, CPA, CISP of MidAtlantic IRA will show you other retirement plan options that still give you self-directed control, how they work if you're a sole proprietor or have an LLC/S-Corp/C-Corp, how to maximize the various contribution limits, and the greater flexibility you may enjoy with certain plans.