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Self-Directed IRA Workshop
Tuesday, January 28th
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Tuesday, February 11th
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Self-Directing Your IRA
Investing in what you know best is part of the power of a Self-Directed IRA. A truly Self-Directed IRA allows you to invest in assets that are alternatives of conventional stocks, bonds and mutual funds. These assets, which are also approved by the IRS, include real estate, notes, private placements, gold, natural resources and much more. Many types of IRA accounts (Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Individual 401(k), SEP IRA and SIMPLE IRA) have the capability of being self-directed.
Do You Owe Estimated Taxes? If So, When Is The Next One Due?
Certain taxpayers generally must make quarterly estimated tax payments to avoid a penalty. Here are the rules, along with when the next payment is due.
Business Website Expenses: How They’re Handled For Tax Purposes
When developing your business’s website, how do you handle the expenses for tax purposes? Here are the basic rules.
How Are Series EE Savings Bonds Taxed?
If you own Series EE bonds, take a look at the issue dates to see if the bonds are no longer earning interest. Here’s how bond interest is taxed.
Six Tax Issues To Consider If You’re Getting Divorced
Getting a divorce can be an agonizing process. You don’t want to make it worse by making decisions that will cost you more in taxes. Here are six issues to consider if you’re getting a divorce.
Planning Your Estate? Don’t Overlook Income Taxes
The federal estate tax exemption is currently $13.61 million, so you may want to think more about saving income taxes for your heirs (rather than worrying about estate taxes).
Consider Borrowing From Your Corporation But Structure The Deal Carefully
Closely held corporation owners: If you need money for personal expenses like a new car or home improvements, consider borrowing from the business. But follow these tips to avoid adverse tax consequences.