1-800-607-0145 info@midatlanticira.com

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Self-Directed IRA Workshop
Tuesday, January 28th

Clients Only Strategy Group
Tuesday, February 11th

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Introduction to Self-Directed IRAs
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Investing in Real Estate
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Traditional vs Roth IRAs
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The Power of Leverage
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Self-Directing Your IRA

Investing in what you know best is part of the power of a Self-Directed IRA. A truly Self-Directed IRA allows you to invest in assets that are alternatives of conventional stocks, bonds and mutual funds. These assets, which are also approved by the IRS, include real estate, notes, private placements, gold, natural resources and much more. Many types of IRA accounts (Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Individual 401(k), SEP IRA and SIMPLE IRA) have the capability of being self-directed.

What We Offer

At MidAtlantic IRA, we allow to you to invest in any asset that is permitted by the IRS. Some of your investment options include:

Real Estate
Private Stock
Precious Metals
Oil and Gas
Raw Land

How Are Series EE Savings Bonds Taxed?

If you own Series EE bonds, take a look at the issue dates to see if the bonds are no longer earning interest. Here’s how bond interest is taxed.