Northern Virginia Strategies Group
A self-directed IRA gives you great flexibility — for example, to invest in tax liens. Would they be a good fit for your IRA? Many jurisdictions are having “tax sales” this time of year, so now is the time to get smart about them.
Northern Virginia Strategy Group
At our next IRA Strategies meeting, John “Jack” Kiley, CPA, CISP of MidAtlantic IRA will help you understand the best structures for pooling capital, how to combine IRA funds with other real estate investor funds, and the potential pitfalls of using IRA funds.
Northern Virginia Strategies Group
The beauty of Self-Direction is that you can use your own strategy. Come learn from our Power User, Joe Facenda, how he utilizes his Self-Directed IRA and what his strategy is for investing in real estate.
Northern Virginia Strategy Group – VIRTUAL
This is an Investment Strategies networking group for the Northern Virginia area and a place to meet investors who have the same interests as you. This is a structured networking event. Nothing to sell, no sales pitches, no books, no boot camps, no DVDs, no class time.
Northern Virginia Strategies Group
As we enter the last quarter of the year, it’s a good time to think about whether your business should add a retirement plan. All businesses from sole proprietors to corporations have retirement plan options. We’ll teach and discuss the options and whether you can self-direct those plans.