Jun 29, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
The Trust Fund Recovery Penalty is personally imposed on certain business owners and managers when employment taxes aren’t paid to the government. Here are the rules, along with two cases where individuals were held liable for the harsh penalty.
Jun 22, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
If you’re married and don’t earn compensation, you may think you can’t contribute to a retirement plan. But you may be eligible for a spousal IRA. Here are the rules for 2023.
Jun 20, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
If you’re married and don’t earn compensation, you may think you can’t contribute to a retirement plan. But you may be eligible for a spousal IRA. Here are the rules for 2023.
Jun 13, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
Seniors who have Medicare insurance (including supplemental) know that it can be costly to get the desired coverage. If this is your situation, you may be able to deduct the cost of premiums, along with other medical expenses, on your tax return.
Jun 13, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
Seniors who have Medicare insurance (including supplemental) know that it can be costly to get the desired coverage. If this is your situation, you may be able to deduct the cost of premiums, along with other medical expenses, on your tax return.
Apr 27, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
The IRS is asking more questions about cryptocurrency and digital assets and will soon be learning more information about those who invest in and use them.
Apr 18, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
If you’ve inherited assets or you’re planning your estate, it’s crucial to understand the “step-up” basis rules.
Apr 11, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
Want to do some spring cleaning and get rid of tax documents? You don’t want to clear out records that the IRS might request in an audit. Here are the general rules.
Apr 4, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
Thinking about hiring your high-school or college-age child to work in your business? You could reap significant tax benefits.
Mar 28, 2023 | Blog, Tax Bites
You may pay less tax if you file your tax return as a “head of household” than if you file as a “single” individual. What’s the difference?